Cleaning Agency in Berlin RightHands

Cleaning Agency in Berlin RightHands

24/7 service       Payment after cleaning       Safety        

Cleaning of apartments and offices on demand

  • 24/7 service
  • Payment after cleaning
  • Safety

Don’t have the time or desire to clean the apartment?

Cleaning is our job.

Order our hourly packages
and pay even less!

10 hours package

  • per hour

30 hours package

  • per hour

20 hours package

  • per hour

* Our basic price offer, outside the packages is 27,95 euros per hour.

How it works?

  • Calculate the costs online. The price will not change. Save time!
  • A prepayment on the website is not required.

    Book an apartment cleaning service in Berlin online.

    Rate the work and we’ll send you an invoice for payment.

  • Give your loved ones time.

  • Safety. Your property is insured at the time of cleaning.
  • Quality. We do not charge fees if you do not like the quality of the service. Or we clean up afterwards free of charge.

How it works?

  • Calculate the costs online. The price will not change. Save time!
  • A prepayment on the website is not required. Book an apartment cleaning service in Berlin online. Rate the work and we’ll send you an invoice for payment.
  • Give your loved ones time.

  • Safety. Your property is insured at the time of cleaning.
  • Quality. We do not charge fees if you do not like the quality of the service. Or we clean up afterwards free of charge.

Our cleaners

We carefully check and train the cleaning staff. After cleaning, evaluate your work.

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167 cleanings
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190 cleanings
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152 cleanings

Ms. Oxana from RightHands has been cleaning our apartment once a week for several months. We are very satisfied and are happy every time we return to our freshly cleaned apartment on Friday evenings. I can recommend the RightHands service.

Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 11Frau Oberländer

I am very satisfied with the thorough cleaning and professional service. Recommended at any time!

Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 13Denis Friedrich
Top performance, always happy!
Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 15Katarina Hirsch
Real professionals! Thank you
Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 17Wojciech Weber
Very nice and friendly and most importantly, it was really clean afterwards. Gladly again
Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 19Alexandr Skvorcov
I can only recommend!
Nice and responsible staff.
Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 21berlogo de
Cleaning Agency In Berlin Righthands - Foto 23

from 20 € per hour

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from 27,95 € per hour

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Upon request

Questions and answers

Simply add the Disinfection option to your order.

We come with a special disinfectant and clean all surfaces with which you come into contact most often at home:

  • all door handles and switches,
  • Taps in kitchen
  • Bath and seat and toilet flush.

We use an organic disinfectant that offers permanent protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi and germs.

Protect your health and keep your home clean.

You can pay for cleaning at your convenience. You can pay for the first cleaning after evaluating the result

We not only value cleanliness, but also the health of our customers and employees.

That is why we have introduced additional security measures.

Before starting cleaning, the cleaner must wash their hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with an antiseptic.

Cleaner has several inventory records.

Reusable devices must be disinfected after each cleaning so that the cleaner is always delivered with clean, processed devices.

If an illness is suspected, the cleaner refuses to clean in advance.

In the event that the clinician with symptoms of illness ignores the schedule and arrives for cleaning, we separate the cleaner from the system.

This is a cleaning with additional options for picking up and delivering keys.

So you don’t have to take part in the cleansing, and the social distance increases, which means that there is less chance of getting sick or passing on the disease.

The employee will clean the apartment, return the keys and you can return to an already clean and safe house. Order contactless cleaning now

Ask your employer for a refund for cleaning your home office. We will provide you with an invoice for payment.

Simply add the Disinfection option to your order.

We come with a special disinfectant and clean all surfaces with which you come into contact most often at home:

  • all door handles and switches,
  • Taps in kitchen
  • Bath and seat and toilet flush.

We use an organic disinfectant that offers permanent protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi and germs.

Protect your health and keep your home clean.


Our mission is to ensure perfect cleanliness in your private household.

This is not only a top priority for us – it is a matter of honor for our team of experienced cleaners.

With us at your side, you save time and money to devote yourself to really important things in life.

Qualified and committed employees do all cleaning tasks entrusted to them efficiently and professionally so that you feel comfortable in your home!

With us at your side, you save time and money to devote yourself to really important things in life.

Qualified and committed employees do all cleaning tasks entrusted to them efficiently and professionally so that you feel comfortable in your home!